Born in the picturesque Polish forested countryside, Mr. Jarog comes from a family of builders and foresters. Not surprisingly, he was born with a love of the woods and woodcraft, which was nurtured as he grew. The care and devotion with which his people approached every task now informs all Mr. Jarog’s work.
Mr. Jarog had worked in the US for over 17 years, and after some time working for a building firm here it was clear to him that his demanding standards are higher than those commonly found in the US trades, and he decided to go out on his own.
Mr. Jarog’s philosophy had come to emphasize several characteristics:
Those that know Mr. Jarog can attest to the fact that he feels for his projects as a father does for this own child. He expects quality work from his company, and knows his clients feel the same. Ultimately, Mr. Jarog find that his clients’ satisfaction is his best measure of the success of any job, and it is best guaranteed through communication, transparency, and dedication to his core philosophies.
Please allow us to help you with your next remodel, renovation, preservation, or development project. We will provide you with complete and professional service and a product that you will enjoy for years.